Using S3 for temporary storage

I often use S3 for ad-hoc storage. This post will look at configuring auto-deletion of objects, as well as generating temporary public URLs

Cloud based Two Factor Authentication with gpg+s3

This is an experimental script I made to store encrypted TFA credentials in the cloud. It uses GPG to protect the the uploaded data. The tokens can be accessed anywhere on anything that has access to the GPG key.

Setting up Ghost 2.0 with Cloudflare

This tutorial will show you how to set up a blog using Cloudflare and Ghost. Cloudflare will improve performance and security by acting as a caching reverse-proxy.

Command line Pastebin using curl

In this post, I will demonstrate how to use the Ubuntu Pastebin utility with cURL to make pastes from the command line.

Customizing Digitalocean Floating IPs

Digitalocean allows, for free, the option to add an additional IP address to your virtual machine ("droplet"). These floating IPs are similiar to Amazon AWS Elastic IPs and are tied to your account and location, rather than any specific instance This means that when an instance is destroyed,

Migrating Nginx to a Docker Container

This is a write-up of how I migrated my Nginx web server from running as a standard service to running inside a Docker container. We will also see how to customize logging and network options, including configuring docker for IPv6 Preparing nginx.conf For me, I find it easier having