Reverse Port Forwarding with Bash

This is a bash implementation of remote port forwarding.
Remote port forwarding makes a locally reachable port available on a remote server through a designated port. This can potentially make local services externally reachable from an otherwise unreachable origin. This type of tool demonstrates why restricting outbound network connectivity is important for hardening systems.


#! /bin/bash
# Bash Reverse Port Forwarding (Server) 
# Peer connects over port 8080 and redirects a local port
# This port is accessible on localhost:2222
### Listen for external connections
listen_external=' 8080';

### Socket to access forwarded port
listen_internal=' 2222';

### Create a FIFO (named pipe)
fifo=$(mktemp -u);
mkfifo $fifo;

### Start the listener
ncat -l $listen_external 0<$fifo | ncat -l $listen_internal >$fifo;

### Clean up
echo 'Lost connection!' rm $fifo;


set -o nounset
echo "[$$] Publishing $lhost:$lport to $rhost:$rport" \
&& exec 3<>/dev/tcp/$lhost/$lport \
&& exec 4<>/dev/tcp/$rhost/$rport \
&& bash <(cat 0<&3 1>&4 & ) \
&& cat 0<&4 1>&3
